We must take action to get the hands-free bill scheduled for a vote.

Approval from the House Appropriations Committee is the final step for SB24-065. Contact Representative Emily Sirota, the Committee chair, to help ensure scheduling for committee review. The legislative session ends on May 8, so we must act fast, or this bill might not even get a chance to get a full vote.

Emily Sirota 303-866-2910

The House Appropriations Committee still needs to review the bill. However, it's never too early to contact all House Representatives to request their support. You can easily send a message to all of them by clicking "email all" below; there is even a suggestion of what to write when you click “email all” to get you started. Please share this link with anyone who would be interested in supporting this bill.

We'll update you as soon as we know when the House Appropriations Committee will review the bill.

Emily Sirota, Chair 303-866-2910

Shannon Bird, Vice Chair 303-866-2843

Judy Amabile 303-866-2578

Andrew Boesenecker 303-866-2917

Scott Bottoms 303-866-5525

Lisa Frizzell 303-866-2948

Leslie Herod 303-866-2959

Iman Jodeh 303-866-2919

Stephanie Luck 303-866-2905

Rick Taggart 303-866-3068

Elizabeth Velasco 303-866-2949


UPDATE, date change: SB24-065 needs your help to pass the House Transportation, Housing, and Local Government Committee!